Aims & Scope

Stechnolock Journal of Electronics and Tele communicational Engineering (JETE) welcomes all novel research works that promote and describe the procedures that help the scientists, engineers and other research community people to enrich their knowledge related to their subject. JETE accepts original works, reviews, short communications, mini-reviews, etc., which keep the readers updated with all the advances in the relevant field. JETE assures authors to provide with rapid peer reviewing by experienced professional Editorial Board members.

Stechnolock Journal of Electronics and Tele communicational Engineering (JETE) focuses on papers that cover and come under broad topics and is not limited to a particular aspect:

Measurement and instrumentation

Circuit design, simulation and CAD

Signal and image processing, coding

Microwaves, antennas and radio propagation


TV and sound broadcasting

Telecommunication networks

Radio and satellite communications

Radar, sonar and navigation systems

Electromagnetic compatibility

Ubiquitous computing RFID, antenna design, fractal antennas, electromagnetic simulation

Power electronics


Machine-to-Machine communications

Nanoscale communications

Internet protocols

Distributed systems

Wireless networks such as 5G, WLAN, WiMax and Wireless Sensor Networks

Computer networks, networking

Body area networks

Agent-based computing

Internet for rural and low-income areas;

Internet of Things


Mobile ad hoc networks, MANETs, and VANETs

Cloud computing, sustainable cloud data centers

Smart systems

Mechanical sensors; chemical/gas/biological/solid state sensors

ARQ schemes

MAC protocols

RRM algorithms

Analog circuits design

Signal processing etc