Peer Review

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Peer-review is the method of assessing the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Expert researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for credibility, validity, novelty and importance to help editors determine whether the manuscript should be published in their journal.

Stechnolock operates single blind peer-review system, where the author(s) names are included in the manuscripts assigned for reviewers. You can read more about the review process at guidelines for reviewers.

Benefits of peer-review:

  • Establishes the validity of research based upon the expert knowledge of other researchers with the same area of knowledge. Therefore preventing fabricated work from being accepted.
  • Provides comprehensive review report so that researchers can revise and enhance their papers before publication.
  • Provides comprehensive review report so that researchers can revise and enhance their papers before publication.
  • Enables journal editors to select the most significant research articles for publication in their journals, based upon the standard and polices of the journal.